Monday, September 5, 2011



by Lawrence Jordan on Monday, September 20, 2010 at 4:39pm

"THE BRIDE Will LEAVE CHRISTENDOM"-Vision by Wayne Thomas.

The following vision is probably one of the most well-known that hasever come out of my home nation of New Zealand. It is a key vision that has been acknowledged and read around the world. This vision was given to Wayne Thomas late in 1993. He told me that it was probably the most powerful he had ever seen.


Basically, it was a traditional wedding scene. The radiantly beautiful Bride had just stepped out of the Cathedral and was standing on the top step, just outside. Wayne was told that the Bride was LEAVING 'CHRISTENDOM' (AND ALL THAT GOES WITH IT) FOREVER, leaving the 'church' system behind. The Groom (who was Jesus) took her arm, so that He could lead her down and proudly display His beautiful Bride to all the world.

Still inside the Cathedral were all the relatives (-the various 'streams' and denominations of the church as we know it?)Suddenly, while the Bride was still on the top step, an invisiblehand gave her a beautiful lily (which had been plucked out by theroots). This was her bridal 'bouquet' (an "end-time" enduement?)and for some reason it seemed to be given to her rather late. Shethrew this bouquet backwards, and some of her relatives in the church,who had been watching her with great jealousy and awe, made a grabfor the bouquet. Two of them seemed to snatch it up, but there wasa lot of squabbling and pushing amongst them - fighting to be somehow near the Bride or to grab the bouquet. The Groom then led His Bride down the steps and through the huge crowd of cheering people below, who had been unable to get into the Cathedral.

In a later vision, Wayne was shown that after they had made theirway through this huge throng, the happy couple were then taken away on their honeymoon, which was to last for a thousand years.

Wayne later made the following comments about this vision:"The Lord emphasized these things to me:- That the Bride is so in love with the Groom - and the fact that she is pure and holy, and the problems of life are far behind her in this time frame. The crowds outside see this intimate love between the two, and that no burden in life stops her from expressing this love. She leaves the guests behind to squabble over the bouquet, and her desire to share this love with the crowd outside is very evident.

"The fighting wedding guests are those within the church who in theirhearts are ambitious for titles to impress the body and are caught up seeking the gifts (bouquet anointings) and not the giver. They are involved in grand schemes and politics within the church - and theylove 'comfort'. They are those who get close to the Truth but do not want to live the truth.

"The Bride - leaving the guests behind - is made up of Christians seeking truth in Jesus alone, no matter the cost, leaving compromise behind and seeking Jesus first before the praises of men."

ANDREW AGAIN: There are some quite shocking implicationsto this vision, but it lines up with so much that God has spokenalong similar lines in recent years - ie. GREAT REFORMATION - not just Revival. What are we to make of this - that the BRIDE WillLEAVE the "CHURCH SYSTEM" FOREVER??

Does it line up with Scripture? Does it make sense? Is it possible?

The Book of Acts Revival, the Wesley and Whitefield Revivals, theCane Ridge Revival, the Early Salvation Army Revivals, and of courseJesus' own ministry in the first place - these were all massive "outdoor" moves of God. Could it be that they are pointing the way to what we are about to witness in our own generation?

-Please comment on this at the following website-

God bless you all.

Andrew Strom.

--YES! - You have permission to post these emails to friends or other groups, boards, etc - unless there is a Copyright notice above which says differently. "THE BRIDE Will LEAVE CHRISTENDOM"-Vision by Wayne Thomas.The following vision is probably one of the most well-known that hasever come out of my home nation of New Zealand. It is a key vision that has been acknowledged and read around the world. This vision was given to Wayne Thomas late in 1993. He told me that it was probably the most powerful he had ever seen.VISION of THE BRIDE LEAVING CHRISTENDOM-Wayne Thomas.Basically, it was a traditional wedding scene. The radiantly beautiful Bride had just stepped out of the Cathedral and was standing on the top step, just outside. Wayne was told that the Bride was LEAVING 'CHRISTENDOM' (AND ALL THAT GOES WITH IT) FOREVER, leaving the 'church' system behind. The Groom (who was Jesus) took her arm, so that He could lead her down and proudly display His beautiful Bride to all the world.Still inside the Cathedral were all the relatives (-the various 'streams' and denominations of the church as we know it?)Suddenly, while the Bride was still on the top step, an invisiblehand gave her a beautiful lily (which had been plucked out by theroots). This was her bridal 'bouquet' (an "end-time" enduement?)and for some reason it seemed to be given to her rather late. Shethrew this bouquet backwards, and some of her relatives in the church,who had been watching her with great jealousy and awe, made a grabfor the bouquet. Two of them seemed to snatch it up, but there wasa lot of squabbling and pushing amongst them - fighting to be somehow near the Bride or to grab the bouquet. The Groom then led His Bride down the steps and through the huge crowd of cheering people below, who had been unable to get into the Cathedral. In a later vision, Wayne was shown that after they had made theirway through this huge throng, the happy couple were then taken away on their honeymoon, which was to last for a thousand years.Wayne later made the following comments about this vision:"The Lord emphasized these things to me:- That the Bride is so in love with the Groom - and the fact that she is pure and holy, and the problems of life are far behind her in this time frame. The crowds outside see this intimate love between the two, and that no burden in life stops her from expressing this love. She leaves the guests behind to squabble over the bouquet, and her desire to share this love with the crowd outside is very evident."The fighting wedding guests are those within the church who in theirhearts are ambitious for titles to impress the body and are caught up seeking the gifts (bouquet anointings) and not the giver. They are involved in grand schemes and politics within the church - and theylove 'comfort'. They are those who get close to the Truth but do not want to live the truth."The Bride - leaving the guests behind - is made up of Christians seeking truth in Jesus alone, no matter the cost, leaving compromise behind and seeking Jesus first before the praises of men." ANDREW AGAIN: There are some quite shocking implicationsto this vision, but it lines up with so much that God has spokenalong similar lines in recent years - ie. GREAT REFORMATION - not just Revival. What are we to make of this - that the BRIDE WillLEAVE the "CHURCH SYSTEM" FOREVER??Does it line up with Scripture? Does it make sense? Is it possible?The Book of Acts Revival, the Wesley and Whitefield Revivals, theCane Ridge Revival, the Early Salvation Army Revivals, and of courseJesus' own ministry in the first place - these were all massive "outdoor" moves of God. Could it be that they are pointing the way to what we are about to witness in our own generation?-Please comment on this at the following website- bless you all.Andrew Strom.--YES! - You have permission to post these emails to friends or other groups, boards, etc - unless there is a Copyright notice above which says differently.


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